What is a Sage Nominal Codes List?
Sage 50 Accounts comes armed with a complete Nominal Code list that can produce your Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports as soon as you have started to enter your financial transactions as the format and grouping have all been setup for you. With a little training, a user can learn how to customise the Chart of Accounts so that it more accurately reflects your reporting style.
Sage 50 Accounts sorts the list numerically based on the first digit, then the second, then the third etc. Gaps are left in coding so that a user can insert more codes as needed and editing existing records is extremely easy.
As new releases are completed, new nominal codes appear and at set up stage, by choosing your type of business, Sage will create a list of Nominal codes to suit.
Get in touch to find out how Sage 50 Accounts could benefit your business.